
This is a place where I want to write, to help me on my journey to be more the way I would like to be. So, who am I? Well, that is a more complex question than you might think! I would probably describe myself in different ways depending who I was talking to. But this, this is for me primarily. Somewhere I can work this stuff out. So, in a nutshell…I’m in my early thirties, so is my husband. We have two infant school aged children, two cats and some tropical fish. I want to make a difference to others, help those in need, see broken people healed, lives restored and children happy. Sometimes I try to do those things, I am qualified as a child and adolescent psychotherapist working creatively (play therapist) . I do fundraising/awareness raising of issues to do with human trafficking… Because this stuff matters. But sometimes I am faced with the fact that in some ways I myself am  pretty broken and horrible! I have so many things to be thankful for. I love my children, my husband, my job, where I live…so many things. There are so many things to be thankful for. I love God. But still, I have these battles in my mind and life that affect me. Sometimes more than others. I don’t want it to always be this way. I don’t want it for me or for the people I care about. I don’t want it for my children or my husband. I want to believe for more. Because I believe nothing is impossible with God. He’s massive. So much bigger and more able than I give him credit for. But, my faith doesn’t mean I don’t have difficulties. It doesn’t mean I do things right. I’ve messed up big time. There is a long way to go. I’m  on anti-depressants and in December 2013 went on an anti-psychotic medication to treat the “tics”. I’m off work at the moment because of my symptoms, symptoms which are scary sometimes.. The psychiatrist hasn’t given a diagnosis as such yet..neurology will also be getting involved. But I don’t want any of this to define me. I am me. I want to discover who that is more, just me as me. I want to be defined as someone who is loved by God. We all are, that isn’t some self-inflated ego talking…we are all loved incredibly. But I want that to hit home, reach the darkest parts of me with a depth of healing and bring true and unrelenting transformation. I want shalom in my life and my loved ones’ lives: life as God intended it to be.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I am looking forward to reading this journey with you. You are in my prayers and I love that even though you are sad at the mo you are excited. It reminds me of that passage in corinthians… 4v8, ‘we are hard pressed but not crushed’. You will win x

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