I had my diagnoses confirmed by an nhs psychiatrist recently: Dissociative disorder, somatic symptom disorder, anxiety disorder, non epileptic attack disorder, tourettes with ocd traits, borderline personality disorder…. It’s quite a list isn’t it.

So I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that I am officially someone with complex mental health issues. I watch hopes and dreams die, watch my world shrink as I am able to do less and see less people than ever…. people become just names on facebook..but life goes on and I take each day at a time, adjusting and coping with what each day brings. I focus a lot on my children, on being the best I can be for them and on their everday needs. But what about the bigger questions? Can I improve? Will I be mentally stable? Will I work again? Can I be in a church community? How do I become the best of myself? Is there still hope for me? Is there a future for me?

I don’t know the answers. I know at one stage I would have found hope in verses like “I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future….” I don’t know what I think any more. I hope there is still hope for me. I hope there is a future for me. I’m not sure how to reach it.

Answers on a postcard….



2 thoughts on “

  1. It’s not the end of the world but it feels like it at the moment. I’m happy to have a friend request from you on Facebook but I’m guessing that your name is different there.
    I’m me all over the internet, even on Ele Friends which encourages anonymity.
    Love and prayers for you.
    Will your church community accept you? It depends. Mine is great and even has mental health awareness days although there are still individuals who think that we’re unacceptable and simply haven’t enough faith. Rude word.

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